Vote next election. Voting is a privilege. It”s also a responsibility. Our country has given all of us more than most humans will ever get. Our future is at risk. These statements may seem radical, When you read on, you may see why. I don’t usually spout my political opinions publicelly. The upcoming elections have caused me concern.
I don’t know whether you are a Democrat or Republican. It doesn’t matter. People aren’t usually one hundred percent conservative or liberal. Both of these ideas are important. What I see as a danger is a group known as leftists, or progressives. Conservatives and Liberal try to make this country better. They debate issues and with knowledge come to a conclusion. The conclusions may differ, but they respect the views on the opposing view.
The Leftist or Progressive operate differently. They are vicious, like attack dogs. They don’t seek answers or compromise. Their objective is the destruction of other views. They do this with intimidation. Lies and sensation are their tools. Over the years they have slowly infiltrated our schools and the press. They spout free speech but act against it. If you resist their ideas, verbally attack, and try to intimidate you.
Vote next election
Our values are under attack. We all need to vote next election. Values must be saved. Our Country needs us. The public needs to wake up. Don’t allow yourself be intimidated. Just because the media tells you that something is right doesn’t mean that it’s so. The media is bought and paid for. They work harder for ratings than anything else.
If you don’t believe me, think back. In Grammar School we had the pledge of allegiance. Allegiance to your country is not bad. God is not bad. The kind good hearted American is being taken advantage of. We are being told, by the Leftist, that the word god is religious. All religions have God. They may use words like Alla, Buddha, or Jehovah, but they still mean God. We are a nation with freedom of religion, not a nation of no religion.