About Terry
. Raised as an automobile mechanic – my father owned a garage
. Military Service – Navy
. Worked for Pacific Telephone for 5 ½ years after Military Service
. Beverly Hills Fire Dept. - Fireman and Paramedic – Major Back Injury and was retired
. Went back to school to learn electronics
. Worked at Cit National Bank – Data Communications
. Worked at General Data Com – Senior Field Engineer
. Inspector Of Elections - National Elections
. Managed Chevron Station and Store
. Volunteer - School teaching assistant
. Volunteer - Vice President PTA
. Volunteer - Twice President of Homeowners Association (HROA) with 2100 homes,
. Volunteer - Twice President of Seniors Organization.
. Member of Shaklee, (36 years) a Multi Level Marketing System that you can use and/or sell
products. I haven’t used this as a get rich, no work, no selling program, but I did
use it to supplement my income.
. I’ve semi-retired 3 times. I spent most of my life helping people. I know that I’m not perfect
but I do my best. I get great gratification in helping others.
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