Super Tuesday is coming. March 3, 2020 will be the date. 14 States will have a primary election on this day. American Samoa will have a caucus. Democrats abroad will also have votes. American Samoa has a caucus and America Democrats Abroad have a primary. Rest easy. They don’t have electoral votes in the national election. South Carolina has a primary on February 29th.
Super Tuesday is important for several reasons. 1538 delegate’s are available. 1991 delegate’s are the number required to secure the Democratic nomination. There in only one debate prior to these elections and only one primary election prior to Super Tuesday. The Democrat strategy on how to beat Trump will probably be decided after this vote count.
The Democrats were in shock after the Nevada Caucus. The entire group of candidates don’t agree with Bernie Sander’s Socialistic views and this view extends to the Democratic Party. A Bernie Sanders large win in South Carolina could cause their heads to spin.
Some of the candidates are starting to have financial problems. They have low showing in the primary elections to date. Some of the candidates did well in the debates, but didn’t come close enough to Bernie to keep the money flowing in. They are struggling to stay in the race until after Supper Tuesday.
Super Tuesday will answer many questions
Only one debate remains before 14 States vote in primary elections. None of the candidates that are still alive, are willing to stand down. The candidate list will likely shorten after March 3. I am not even considering voting for any Democratic candidate. They all say that they would support any nominee if they have to leave the race. Super Tuesday should define who stays in the Presidential race. If Bernie wins the nomination, they will support him. They are willing to throw this country under the buss just to defeat Trump.
Are you curious about what states have their primaries on March 3rd. I knew a lot of how the government works, but I have learned a lot more since I started a blog and read more articles. The trick is to be able to separate what is true and what is not. Check out the following link and see who has primaries and the amount of delegates they have.,_2020