Is voter fraud real? I live in California and I have been an Inspector of elections in national elections . My personal views are from this perspective. I started out as a regular volunteer. The inspector of elections would call me and ask if I would work the election. I would be required to attend a class learning the proper procedures and rules. On the day of the election, one volunteer would verify that the voter was registered. Another would count the ballot and a third would give the voter the ballot.
It was a pretty good system and it worked. The possibility of cheating existed but it would be difficult. It would be even harder to do on a grand scale. I believe that we all felt that the list of the registered people was verified. A time frame existed between the last day to register and the voting day.
Voter rules changed through time. Voting machines were introduced to allow people with certain handicaps to vote. This change was good. Some changes were not so good. The Provisional Ballot seemed reasonable, but let to greater potential for voter fraud. A check off list didn’t exist. A person could possibly vote in multiple polling places.
Voter fraud is real
California. On October 28, 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law that automatically registers all citizen resident holders of a driver’s license as a registered voter for all California ballots, including federal elections. California has not passed a law making it legal for an illegal alien to vote, but has made it easier for him to do it. In California a voter doesn’t even have to show an I.D. to vote. It requires more to register than is to vote.
California is scary to me, but California is not the only state that has made voting fraud easier. Many states including California have more registered voters than legal voters. Citizens don’t sleep to long or soon waking up won’t matter. For more information on other states making it easier for fraudulent voters.
Californians wake up. Voting fraud does exist. Not only does it exist, it is done openly. Democrats and Republicans, this means more than winning the Presidency or the House and the Senate. The future of our country is at stake. Don’t support this fraud. Millennial beware! You’re demanding credibility from your candidates , so how about you demanding the same from yourselves