Have You Ever Experienced Intimidation

Have you ever experienced intimidation?  This is a question that only you can appreciate, but first we need to define if.  Go to https://www.dictionary.com/browse/intimidation to get a correct definition.  You’ll probably notice that intimidation is all around us.  We get upset when we read or see a child harassed on the social media such as facebook or instagram etc.  With cell phones kids try to intimidate other kids.  The parents object to this treatment, but can’t control it. You do experience intimidation.

As adults we face daily attempts to intimidate us.   Are you afraid of other people thinking that you are stupid. Attempts are made to get you to suppress making their thoughts public.  The media is very adept in doing this.   This is not only the news programs, and talk shows. 

Create Fear

I don’t mind these programs having different opinions. The presentation to me is objectionable. An example would be the push for gun control.  If I listen to the news or majority of educational programs on TV, the ability to own a gun is bad. This tactic is being used to scare us. The media is all over the place telling us that we should control the ability to buy guns.  There have been mass shootings in schools and the media promotes these stories, both for profit, and for promoting their political view on gun control.  They put children up in front of the media cameras telling us of their fears and we should get rid of guns.

The media creates these same fears.  These tactics do two things that I object to.  One is they give a venue to these perpetrators and in my opinion help promote them happening again.  The second thing is the use of children to promote this opinion.  Children can be easily led to say what you want to say, an example is the ruination of a family and their preschool business.  I am talking about the McMartin preschool accusations. Children make statements that adults want to hear.   Don’t you dare get on the wrong side of the news media.

With all of the press going in one direction, how dare you publicly oppose this view. I believe that the idea to get enough backing of people that don’t think think things through and intimidate those who do. In answer to have you ever experienced intimidation, the answer is yes.

About Terry

. Raised as an automobile mechanic – my father owned a garage . Military Service – Navy . Worked for Pacific Telephone for 5 ½ years after Military Service . Beverly Hills Fire Dept. - Fireman and Paramedic – Major Back Injury and was retired . Went back to school to learn electronics . Worked at Cit National Bank – Data Communications . Worked at General Data Com – Senior Field Engineer . Inspector Of Elections - National Elections . Managed Chevron Station and Store . Volunteer - School teaching assistant . Volunteer - Vice President PTA . Volunteer - Twice President of Homeowners Association (HROA) with 2100 homes, . Volunteer - Twice President of Seniors Organization. . Member of Shaklee, (36 years) a Multi Level Marketing System that you can use and/or sell products. I haven’t used this as a get rich, no work, no selling program, but I did use it to supplement my income. . I’ve semi-retired 3 times. I spent most of my life helping people. I know that I’m not perfect but I do my best. I get great gratification in helping others.

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