Political Correctness Is Dangerous.

Political correctness is dangerous.  The shame of it all is that we the public has allowed this.  Look at the social  media.  How much do you see comments that are not considered “politically correct”?  Check out the news media.  Say something publically incorrect and watch the indignation of the news casters on most stations.  See the days of news reporting disparaging the person that dared to go against it.  We as a people need to see the danger of public correctness.

Political Correctness is dangerous.  Supposedly the idea behind it was supposed aid against hurting someones feelings.  I don’t find this to be the truth about  what is really happening.  It has become a political tool.  People are castigated because the have used a word that a small group in a political party have managed to make powerful.  They have managed to make political correctness a concern of the majority of households.  Fear is the weapon that is used.

The “N” word

The “N” word is an example.  I find this both comical and sad.  It is comical in the sense that we all know what it means, but we can’t say the word itself.  I find it sad, because we allowed this to happen.  I don’t care if someone uses the “N”word, but it is not a word that I care to use.   It was not a common word used in my family, but I did hear words like “nigger” “negro” “colored”.   The word colored, was self explained.  I was very young and confused.  I asked my father what was the difference between nigger and negro, and for what it’s  worth, this is the interpretation that I grew up with.  He said, negro was a colored person that wasn’t a good person and a negro was a colored person that was a good person.


We, a nation of free speech, have allowed people with an agenda to inhibit us.  Free speech is allowed, but don’t you dare to say the wrong thing.  I don’t wish to live under this tyranny.  Political correctness is dangerous and I am going to do my best to fight against it.  I believe that some words are nicer to use, but I’m not going to promote hate or dislike of people that choose other words.  Don’t delete friends just because they say something you don’t like.  I have friends that believe differently than me, and all it  really is that they have a different perspective.

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About Terry

. Raised as an automobile mechanic – my father owned a garage . Military Service – Navy . Worked for Pacific Telephone for 5 ½ years after Military Service . Beverly Hills Fire Dept. - Fireman and Paramedic – Major Back Injury and was retired . Went back to school to learn electronics . Worked at Cit National Bank – Data Communications . Worked at General Data Com – Senior Field Engineer . Inspector Of Elections - National Elections . Managed Chevron Station and Store . Volunteer - School teaching assistant . Volunteer - Vice President PTA . Volunteer - Twice President of Homeowners Association (HROA) with 2100 homes, . Volunteer - Twice President of Seniors Organization. . Member of Shaklee, (36 years) a Multi Level Marketing System that you can use and/or sell products. I haven’t used this as a get rich, no work, no selling program, but I did use it to supplement my income. . I’ve semi-retired 3 times. I spent most of my life helping people. I know that I’m not perfect but I do my best. I get great gratification in helping others.

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