The Nevada Debate Two

The Nevada debate two. This blog will continue to continue with what did you get out of it. It doesn’t cover everything, but will give brief overview of what the candidates issues are. I can’t accurately post what you got out of it, because I’m not you.

Joe Biden

Gives his rags to riches story. Joe want’s to restore Obama Care and improve on it. To be honest, it’s so complicated that I don’t think that anyone in congress has read the whole document. I doubt that Obama read it either. He claims that he has the black vote. His goal seems to be, Beat Trump, support for the lower income people, Health care and support for the under privileged black people. He is proud the United States gave 750 million dollars to South America during the Obama Administration.

Pete Buttigieg

Pete is the only candidate that claims that he is not at least a millionaire. His early career was a consultant. In early college he wrote a piece praising Bernie Sanders. Pete states that he is against Bernie’s Social agenda. The money behind Pete is large corporations. He, along with other candidates view medical all with all, but with a cap on the medical premium. Feels that Latinos should be given loans to start a business. In dealing with global warming Pete thinks that we should make it a national project. He says that we should fund the people that are part of the problem to make changes and URGE them to do the right thing. Buttigieg wants to make illegal aliens legal.

Amy Klobuchar

Was a prosecuting attorney prior to being in the Senate.  She agreed with some of the candidates at times and others another time.  It looked like her main objective was to get rid of Donald Trump..  Heavy into black and  Latino equality.  Anti fracking.  Thinks whites have big advantage.  Heavy into global  warming and highly against Bernie Sanders, and had to spend a lot of her time defending herself.   Sanders and Buttigieg.  Warren also attacked her.  She seemed to be obsessed in attacking Michael Bloomberg, who wasn’t even on the ballot, and Chris Matthews.  Chris is a commentator on MSNBC. She attacked everyone.  She even suggested that Americans vote for a woman.

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie were the most verbal in the debate.  They also had times that they bumped heads.  The only common ground that they have is that they accused Bloomberg  of trying to buy the election and they will say almost anything to receive votes.  They both are touting heavily for the black and Latino vote.  Elizabeth Warren advocated the closing down all drilling and mining on federal land.  When it was pointed out that mining was a big deal in Nevada and that some minerals could be vital to the United States.  She quickly said there could be exceptions.

The Nevada Election Debate and The Nevada Debate Two are just the tip of the iceberg

The primary election debates have shown the true colors of these candidates. They promise black and Latino voters money and programs for people of their ethnic backgrounds. This is as racist as you can get. They seem to think that these two ethnic groups are inferior to all other ethnics groups in this country and can’t make it on their own. I am an American and fit into one of these other groups. The money promised is not real and unobtainable.

All of them are more interested in defeating Trump than any other issue. Michael Bloomberg’s issues with Trump are not because Trump supposedly is favoring the wealthy in tax cuts. More on that in a later blog. Does anyone think that such favoritism promotes unity in this country, or does it promote prejudice.

If you think that these candidates respect the immigrants legal and not legal watch this video. It might be that you are just being used.






About Terry

. Raised as an automobile mechanic – my father owned a garage . Military Service – Navy . Worked for Pacific Telephone for 5 ½ years after Military Service . Beverly Hills Fire Dept. - Fireman and Paramedic – Major Back Injury and was retired . Went back to school to learn electronics . Worked at Cit National Bank – Data Communications . Worked at General Data Com – Senior Field Engineer . Inspector Of Elections - National Elections . Managed Chevron Station and Store . Volunteer - School teaching assistant . Volunteer - Vice President PTA . Volunteer - Twice President of Homeowners Association (HROA) with 2100 homes, . Volunteer - Twice President of Seniors Organization. . Member of Shaklee, (36 years) a Multi Level Marketing System that you can use and/or sell products. I haven’t used this as a get rich, no work, no selling program, but I did use it to supplement my income. . I’ve semi-retired 3 times. I spent most of my life helping people. I know that I’m not perfect but I do my best. I get great gratification in helping others.

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