I am contributing thoughts as a Monday morning quarterback. Gavin Newsom takes credit for shutting for California’s COVID-19 stance. This stance also created hardships. I give him credit for these problems. He decided what is necessary and what is not. Our Southern Border is wide open. We can’t protect ourselves from someone bringing more virus in. Small business’s are suffering. My wife is suffering because her Chiropractor isn’t considered vital. It is vital to her.
I enjoy football season. Monday morning is when I evaluate Sunday’s games. It is fun to evaluate ideas and plays that were made. This article is about evaluation and looking for solutions.
The cronavirus isn’t going away soon. I was a fireman and saw many suicides because the stock market fell. In our society many things cause deaths. Analyzing situations in the past help planning for the future. We are in uncharted water when we deal with COVID-19. Evaluation is part of the learning phase. I am looking at the financial damage caused by closing businesses. Quarterbacking on Monday allows me to see a larger picture.
Our Governor didn’t invent the idea of social distancing. He took action that I disagree with. He seems to think that he should control government actions. This was the attitude in pre WWII Germany. We saw what those ideas produced. I am for social distancing. It makes since. It also makes since to include the financial issues in the future. The financial burden to small business’s will last for a long time. The people in California need to have a choice. Even God gives us a free choice.
Monday morning quarterbacking is evaluating recent history.
The strength of the public needs to be exercised. People do exist that won’t do the right thing, no matter what. Some people don’t care about others. The majority of people aren’t like that. Monday morning quarterbacking is looking back and trying to do better in the future. I felt that things could have been done different. History is just that. We need to move on.