Evaluations Of Biden And Trump

Evaluations of Biden and Trump are my personal observations. They are the result of my observations and research. It was difficult to find a lot of positives on Joe Biden except for the major media.

Things on the positive evaluation of Joe Biden

  1. Likable and the News Media seems to like him.
  2. Biden appears to be religious
  3. He has experience with political manipulating
  4. He appears to be for increasing social security and medicare
  5. Being a Senator did not make him wealthy (1993 to 2003)
  6. Is not for Bernie Sanders type of Socialism


  1.  Support for Black Lives Matter which is not about Black equality, but is prejudiced.
  2. Willing to get into bed with leftist to win the election.
  3. Lack of vision
  4. He is a follower not a leader
  5. Not kneeling for the national anthem shows disrespect for our flag and our country.  Willing to do this because it seems popular.  He did not do this at the onset, so is it really his belief, or is it to win an election.
  6. Has accepted Mob Rule
  7. News Media issues are the issues that he chooses to champion,  if he opposes, he keeps low profile.
  8. Advocate for gun control
  9. Congress Health Care and Retirement – not the same as other employees Was in congress when these decisions were made
  10. Sexual   allegations look to be true.  Not only Trump allegations.
  11. Voted against protecting our borders with a wall
  12. Avoided l issues by not voting on them.  All politics – no right or wrong.
  13. Gave into to Black Lives Matter threats to run a Black person for Vice President
  14. Picking Harris for Vice President, who is for Bernie Sanders Type of Socialism, Supports sanctuary for illegal aliens, for de-funding the police, for gun control, negative police etc
  15. Was way above normal in missing votes while in the Senate.

Positive evaluation of Donald Trump

  1. Made campaign promises and did his best to achieve them
  2. Wants to secure our borders
  3. Not for Sanctuary for illegal aliens
  4. Will not bend to the bureaucracy in government
  5. Has the strength to stand up against career politicians
  6. He is not a Politician
  7. He will not allow anyone to intimidate him, including news media, rioters, etc.
  8. Pro police
  9. For free speech and is willing to practice it.
  10. Supports the Second Amendment
  11. He is a take action person
  12. He will make decisions on what he feels is the best for the country not public opinion influenced by the major media.
  13. The major amount of high income people and powerful social media don’t want him re-elected.  This sounds like someone for the average person, not the rich.
  14. His major job in Covid-19 is to prevent panic.  He keeps working on this in spite of the negativity of the news media and the leftist organizations.


  1. He doesn’t filter his tweets on twitter. 
  2. I don’t like name calling “Sleepy Joe”.
  3. The public seem to want a Saint for president and he is not one nor perceived as one.
  4. To many, he is not a likable person to the general public.
  5. Although not a politician he acts like one sometimes, and sees admitting making a mistake as a weakness.
  6. He is fighting battles on to many fronts.
  7. He has given the political opposition some opportunities to attack him.  They do enough without him giving them fuel.

What is your evaluation of Biden and Trump

Your evaluation is important. Information is important, so where do you get yours. I would like to hear your opinion. Is there going to be a debate. If not why? Who doesn’t want to debate.? Why? Think about the election results. Check this out https://terrychavis1.com/index.php/2020/08/25/what-can-happen-if-democrats-win/.

About Terry

. Raised as an automobile mechanic – my father owned a garage . Military Service – Navy . Worked for Pacific Telephone for 5 ½ years after Military Service . Beverly Hills Fire Dept. - Fireman and Paramedic – Major Back Injury and was retired . Went back to school to learn electronics . Worked at Cit National Bank – Data Communications . Worked at General Data Com – Senior Field Engineer . Inspector Of Elections - National Elections . Managed Chevron Station and Store . Volunteer - School teaching assistant . Volunteer - Vice President PTA . Volunteer - Twice President of Homeowners Association (HROA) with 2100 homes, . Volunteer - Twice President of Seniors Organization. . Member of Shaklee, (36 years) a Multi Level Marketing System that you can use and/or sell products. I haven’t used this as a get rich, no work, no selling program, but I did use it to supplement my income. . I’ve semi-retired 3 times. I spent most of my life helping people. I know that I’m not perfect but I do my best. I get great gratification in helping others.

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