I signed up at my kids’ school to be a room mother. The National PTA sent a representative to our school and her opening statement was something like this. All of you room mothers—————- and she looked at me and she stopped in mid sentence. She was worried that she had said the wrong thing. I laughed and I told her that Room Mother was OK with me. It didn’t demean me. I didn’t go into the corner and cry. The women who serve in this position are to be honored. A gender title was not something be worried about, at least that was my opinion. The other women from my school didn’t worry about it either.
My intention when I signed up at my kid’s school to be a room mother my only thoughts were to help the school. I was the Vice President of our local PTA and my job was to help. I realize that in the era that I was doing this job and it was done mostly by women. Being a room mother defined the job. I was fortunate to have the time to help with my children’s education.
What was I supposed to be so that I could be called by the politically correct name. Was it room person. I finally figured it out. I was supposed to be known as a teachers aid. How does this come about? Are we so afraid of everything that we have to worry over something so simple. I look at the news media once again. When they do interviews they go out of their way to get someone to miss speak.
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